Everything you need to know to get started to not only train your dog but also help you become a better dog handler!
Welcome to the Northern Illinois NAVHDA Chapter! We are happy to have you as a new member! Below you will find information to help get you started on your journey! Please reach out if you have any questions, we are here to help!
There are two annual membership dues that you will need to pay. You do need to have both memberships in order to train with us for insurance purposes. The first is for NAVHDA International. The membership cost is $65.00 (spouse memberships also available). You can learn more and join here.
The second membership required is our for the Northern Illinois NAVHDA Chapter. Cost is $50 for an annual membership, that form can be found here. If you plan on testing your dog you will also need to register your dog with NAVHDA International, forms can be found on NAVHDA.org under "Register Your Dog.".
We are here to help, and always eager for new members direct additional questions to ninavhda@gmail.com. We will update this section as we are asked similar questions to make available to everyone.